Awaken, O My Soul.
  Awaken, O My Soul.
Awake to the moment creation's fire broke forth at the beginning.
Awake to the allurement that drew together the first stars, and their dance into the first galaxies.
Open my eyes to the wonders of this creation, of this world, and of this life, emerging from the infinite movement of all things.
See the light of God shining in the heart of the cosmos and remember, all things are in God, and God is in all things.
Know these holy sparks shine from the forge of creation carrying the creative and compassionate power of God into this cosmos.
Reach out O holy mind, compassionate heart, and wise spirit to raise them up with me to sing glory into the world.
Dance with these holy sparks as my dearest friends, who arm in arm, step from wonder to wonder as we remake the work in the image of the Kingdom of God in the light of Divine Wisdom.
Awake, O my soul, as the Word of God flows through me to build the world to come, from elements here before me.
Awake from the forgetfulness of life, and the distractions of aversion and attachment.
Awake to the light that co-creates my life and my world.