Creation's Paths
Creation's Paths
Holy Mary, Mother and Queen

Holy Mary, Mother and Queen

Episode 106

In this episode of Creations Paths, host Charlie, a non-binary sci-fi fantasy writer and practicing Druid, delves into the concepts of the queenship and motherhood of Mary. Charlie explores the significance of Mary in Christian tradition, explaining how she serves as a substitute and stand-in for humanity, emphasizing her role in salvation history and her embodiment of divine feminine power. From Mary's Fiat to her presence as the Queen of Heaven, this video examines her profound impact and importance. Charlie discusses the paradigm shifts in modern, post-modern, and metamodern perspectives on faith and how Mary's queenship counters patriarchal instincts. The episode also touches upon the personal devotional impacts of Mary and how she serves as a source of healing and balance in faith practice.

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[00:00:00] Charlie- New: Salve Regina. Hail holy queen mother and queen blessed Mary mother of God, mother of the church, mother of us all, queen of our hearts. Yes today, we're going to be talking about the queenship of Mary and the motherhood of Mary. Why would a metamodern anarchist like me be all down for calling anybody a queen. Let's talk about that. On today's Creations Paths.


[00:00:27] Charlie- New: Hello everyone. My name is Charlie. I'm a non-binary scifi fantasy writer. I'm also a practicing Druid as is my husband, Brian. Today we're going to be talking about the motherhood, the queenship of Mary. This is I think a hard one for modern folk. Harder for post-modern folk and. I think dirt simple for Metta modern folk.

[00:01:01] Brian - New: Ah, the progressions.

[00:01:02] Charlie- New: The progression, how the paradigms do shift. So might be confused by those three labels and don't worry. it's fine. a Modernist is somebody who believes in grand unifying ideas. A post-modern is all about deconstruction and tearing those ideas back into there little bitty pieces in a Metamodernism, just kind of dances. Through it all.

[00:01:24] Brian - New: about the journey or the dance.

[00:01:26] Charlie- New: Its about the journey. It just oscillate back and forth between the grand idea and the deconstruction of it.

Here I am sitting here. I pray the Salve Regina, I often. will call out to the queen of heaven, to the queen of our hearts, to the queen of mercy. There's so many wonderful titles that Mary, has. Yet, if you were to tell me that I had to bow to an actual earthly queen, I would laugh at you unless I was at some kind of a ball or something.

[00:01:54] Brian - New: Then she going to have to prove herself.

[00:01:56] Charlie- New: she going to have to make it work.

Why does it matter to us? in this. Day and age to talk about the queenship of Mary. Well, one. As we've talked before and we'll probably always be talking about. When it comes to Mary, Mary is the substitute, the stand in for us in these stories. She is the first who gave that beautiful Fiat. When she said, yes. So that the son of God could be born into the world.

She is the one who proclaimed the gospel that the high will be thrown down and their Thrones will be scattered and that the lowly will be brought up. She is the one who was there through all of the. Mysteries of Christ's life. She is the one who was taken into heaven. She is the one who became one. With the father, as Christ is with the father. And is the matrix from whom we are all formed.

Mary is so central. To the heart of the faith. If you came from a Protestant upbringing, This may seem. Foreign to you. I know it was when Brian and I first got together because. I have been a Marianist since I was about 16.

[00:03:07] Brian - New: When first exposed to these concepts, I was like, what's the point? Like. If you got God, you got Jesus. Aren't you good. Isn't it all? I think. you did two things. One. When you pointed out, that could be good and for some of them that is all they need. That is great and wonderful. But for others, they might not feel. Worthy or they might not feel deserving. Of grace. Of being in the presence of God. Sometimes it's easier to go to the mother. And to be cradled and held by the mother. mothers tend to be non-judging and accepting. And then you handed me saint Louis de Montfort's book and said, read this. Sent me on my way. Which was very fascinating. Read. Pretty fascinating time, but. Not for this episode.

[00:03:54] Charlie- New: Well, and he called it right. He did call her a secret of Mary. Is the secret of Marry. Come to your faith. Faithful one. Let me tell you the secret of Mary. As hard as the secret known to, but a few right. Mary is so core to all of this because she is the one who formed Christ. She formed. Jesus.

She is the mother. Of Christ. And as such, if we are the body of Christ, she is our mother. But also as the mother of Christ, she is the one who forms us. She is the one that makes us. Who and what we are is Paul. Says she's the heavenly Jerusalem.

When thinking about her and her place in the economy of salvation, she is. The pinpoint she's the startup. Yeah. She brought. The holy one, she brought Christ into the world.

With her queenship. why should that matter?

[00:04:46] Charlie- New: Well, one. I think it's very important to highlight the queenship of Mary. Because it fights against the. Patriarchal instincts of the Imperial church. That even when they want to call her a queen. We'll try to sideline her in many, many ways. And that she. And we, they tried to take her family away. They tried to do all kinds of things. To try to keep her from living in the fullness. That she does.

Mary's queenship. Reminds us. Of the power of the feminine. The absolute power, that is there. We often talk about the kingdom of God. I know that there've been people who have tried to move away from that term. Matthew Fox has tried to move away from the term, a lot of, uh, Christian leaders of. Tried realm or. Matthew Fox likes to say queendom. Of God, which. It's just a word that. I don't know. Jingles in my brain in a strange way.

If we were to look at the way that these words have been traditionally used. Cause. I think it is important to have a sense of continuity. She is the queen of the kingdom. She stands there.

To me. Mary is the answer to the question that the sons of Zebedee ask Jesus, who will sit at your right hand. Oh, Mary. And to me, Jesus answers this question, the first shall be last. And the last shall be first. The one who shall be first will be the servant of all. Mary does not have a prominent role throughout the gospels. And is. Absent. To the point where a lot of people forget that she was there. And you have to point out. No, she's right there. She's right there. Through the entire story, but in her humility, she is. Doing her job, everything. My son tells you do it. She's always pointing. To the Christ. It's only afterwards. Where she is able to take her real true and proper place. Where we see. The role that she plays.

I'm not saying that all of us need to just fade into the background. Though, if you're going to be like, Uh, shadow broker. Who's bringing good about into the world. Fade into the background. Make the good things happen.

But the story, at least at that time was not about her. Now it is. Like I said that. The story is about Mary start very, very early on. From the Purdue week, Ben gallium. Telium of James. That spends a lot of time on her childhood and her parents. Anne and Joachim. Through to the door mission of Mary that tells us about her assumption into heaven for the first time. Mary becomes the center of the story very quickly in Christian history. And has remained in this primacy. Place. It's because. We need. That mother. Because the Imperial church. Robbed us of a. Maternal God, which by the way, is found throughout the Christian tradition. And the. scriptural one as well.

As just a side note. I love giving people the revelation of divine. Knowing. And of divine love for the first time. By Julian of Norwich because when they see the phrase of mother Christ, For the first time, it just kind of shatters their expectations. And when you remember that this woman is a Saint in the Episcopalian and Catholic, like every church claims her.

She uses the phrase mother Christ. We had a lot in that book actually. Because the divine feminine has always been there. But it gets hidden. Like Mary. Was it. This pivotal person. In the history of our faith. She raised. The Christ child. She was there when they fled into Egypt and she was there when they came back. She's the one that would have instilled his morals and ethics and to him as he's growing up. And yet we don't get to see. Hardly any of that. In scripture.

By stressing that this unseen. Character. Is our queen. Because Queens are. majestic. They're powerful. It reminds us one. When we think about our own families. How very often. It was our mother and sisters and whatnot who kept everything flowing. Moving smoothly. Unseen by our hands you just woke up and there was breakfast cause. I don't know. You were a child and didn't think about where the breakfast came from. It was just there on the table when you got up. Now your mom got up before you and made that breakfast. Maybe. not all mothers. But you get the gist of what I'm trying to say.

Power. It's not always loud. This is the other thing I love about the idea of the queenship of Mary. When we think of the kingship of God. You get images of like a Cecil B DeMille movie, god on the top of the mountain. Moses. These are my 10 commandments. It was booming voice coming down from heaven.

We forget that we're told that the voice of God is. A whisper. It's a still small voice. It's a Russel. Leaves in the wind. It's a subtle voice. It's not this. Booming voice. In fact, when we actually read the story in. Exodus of them receiving the 10 sayings. It says, the voice of God was on the mountain and the people saw it.

Which is a very interesting turn of phrase. Because they saw the voice, they didn't hear it. They saw the voice. It was a powerful image. We give this very. Strong vocal voice.

Then when we think about. The queen. Especially with Mary, like I said, with her seeming absence yet. Ever presence in the gospels. It reminds us to listen for that actual real voice of God. That quiet. Still small voice of God that. Like what the experience of Elijah. God, wasn't in the fire, God wasn't in the earthquake. God, wasn't in the wind. But after all these three things, There was a still small voice. That's where we find the voice of God.

That's where we find it in Mary.

Mary is such an ever pervading presence in our lives. Queen of the angels queen of our hearts. These are not just words that I say because they're written in the litany somewhere. This is my experience of Mary. When I say I became a Marianist when I was 16. That's because. I was raised Baptist. I've talked about this bit, but I didn't convert to Catholicism. adulthood.

I wasn't raised with Mary. Mary. Wasn't a part of my childhood. I found her. I found the secret of Mary. It gave me meaning and purpose. Like St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. When I thought about her. My heart. Warmed up. It brought me to life in a way that very few other thoughts had. It gave me meaning and purpose. Gave me something to strive for.

When we say in the prayers, our life, our sweetness here below. That's Mary. Now there are thousands of words and pages written. About her, but when you look at the scripture, she's here, she's there.

She doesn't have that profound presence. But she's there in all of it. Throughout the whole thing. That loving presence of that sweet divine mother. Guiding us and leading us. Ever forward.

I love calling out to. Our queen.

[00:11:59] Brian - New: It's also through Mary that. I find. Healing in the imagery of the kingdom of heaven. I know a lot of people nowadays. Bristle. At that term, as you pointed out earlier, But it is through Mary. As queen. We realize it puts things back into balance. It moves away from the falsehoods of misogyny. The false hoods of the significant figure in history that the one person that does. Man. Man history. Falsehoods and Mary helps to heal that because then you realize it's a king and a queen. It is in a way, going back to the time of judges. Which the old Testament. God said was the better way to have things. Anyhow, it's a council. It's not just this one dictation on high. That's not voice. It's the loud voice and the quiet voice. It's both together. It's the. action that you see. And the action that you don't see.

[00:12:56] Charlie- New: It brings us back to the Elohim to God and. Cause the truest sense that divine counsel, that. True unity that said, let us make man in our image. And then he made them. Male and female. in unity and harmony and altogether. In one.

That really is. The heart of what's missing and a lot of modern faith and a lot of modern practice.

I have a very strong devotion to Mary. It's rivaled only by my devotion with Bridget. And if you've ever studied the prayers. Of our ancestors. Mary and Bridgid are almost always. Invoked together.

In fact. It said that Bridgid. They say, this is about the saint, but I feel like this is more true of the goddess. was the foster mother of Jesus that she was the handmade. She was the midwife. That helped. Mary give birth to Jesus. And of course St. Bridget of Kildare could not have done that. But Bridgette could have done that.

It's Bridget has always been and always will be. Like all the faces of God. So we see them together. When you see them together. Something magical happens because it erodes this idea of competition.

It erodes the site idea of there being anything. Any vine for the attention or affections of the king. Mary is there. Bridget is there? Jesus is there. We are there. we don't have to fight about it. We don't have to beg to be seen. Because we are.

personally like the terms king and queen for God. And Mary, just for one other reason. Because that's where the kingdom is. The kingdom of God is not of this world. By remembering that my true queen, my true king is not of this world. It makes it easier not to set up a queen or king in this world.

So on this day, when we're remembering the queenship of Mary. I recommend maybe. watch Sister Act again.

Right before we started this podcast, I played the salvia Regina. From the sister act soundtrack to get us. Ready. For this episode.

Maybe watch one of my favorite movies. the song of Bernadette, which is about. Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette Soubirous. When she had the visions of Mary. love that movie so much.

It's also a good movie. If you've never seen Vincent Price play anything, but in a horror movie. He still plays kind of the villain of the movie, it's an interesting role. That is not what I've come to expect to see as a Vincent Price would be. He's very good at it.

Go out and. Just listen to nature. The queenship of Mary is everywhere. When we think about may, which is the traditional month where we celebrate Mary.

So many of the songs invoke the lilies of the field and the flowers and the birds and the butterflies. That nature, because. The love of our divine mother. Is the most natural thing.

I think I should just take just a moment. Cause I keep saying our divine mother and I know people that are coming from Protestant. Upbringing may have a problem with that.

Mary is the mother of God. If you believe that Jesus has God. Mary is Jesus's mother. They're four by the transit of property. Mary is the mother of God. It's in the book. Whether there was a god. Before. Is a stupid question that gets asked by people that aren't really thinking, and they're just wanting to cause problems.

Of course there was a god before. But Mary. Made that God. Mary. Is the vehicle through which Christ. That same cosmic Christ. That. Created everything and holds the universe together.

Through Mary, that Christ came into this world. We meet him in the form of Jesus Christ.

[00:16:51] Brian - New: When going back there was the Shekinah. Kina Shekinah. There you go. Thank you.

[00:16:57] Charlie- New: have feelings about how Mary relates to the Shekinah, but that's a whole bag of worms, Mary as the lost princess. I really in my heart of hearts, believe that. I don't believe that anyone else has to believe that, but yes, in my heart of hearts, Yeah, Mary is the presence of God. The sweet. Shekinah the. The tent that covers us and holds us and one family. I guess 100% in my heart of hearts. I believe that. And for that alone makes her the queen.

[00:17:27] Brian - New: the wind that supports us by day and the. Pillar, flame that lights our way and protects us. Our path at night. In the darkness.

[00:17:36] Charlie- New: If you're into. More traditional things. Open up a prayer book. Say a rosary. Say a litany. Beautiful lit news. Just say the Regina Caeli.

[00:17:47] Brian - New: For the Druids out there just take a moment today. Go outside. Sit under a tree. Sit in the mother's embrace. No, that we're all worth it. Raul. We're all. Okay. No matter how dark we are. We're all good. Some level. Mom always gives us a hug no matter what. Or how filthy we come in from playing outside.

[00:18:06] Charlie- New: She is. Like the prayer says our life, our sweetness here below. Oh, Maria.

This is a much more devotional episode than I thought it was going to end up being. But. It's hard for me to talk about Mary and not just. Break out into just extolling her brilliance and her virtues and just my absolute love and admiration for her.

She has answered our prayers. With felt her presence in our darkest times. She she is with us. She cares for us. She is our mother and our queen. And I hope that. If you've. You've had those experiences too. And if you haven't. We fly to your patronage. Holy Mary mother of God. Never hasn't been known that anyone. Who has flown. Two, your. Who has asked you if anything has ever been turned away, empty. It's an old prayer. And it's a prayer that is still in use today because it is still true today.

So this, this has helped you and you think that, you know, somebody else who would like it, please share that helps us. Grow.

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Anyhow. Yeah, wholly queen and thrown the ball. May the grace of Mary. Our queen and our mother. He with you now and forevermore. Amen. Amen.

Creation's Paths
Creation's Paths
Embark on a transformative journey with 'Creation's Paths,' a podcast that delves into the heart of Creation Spirituality, Druidry, and Christo-pagan Druidcraft.
Our quest is to explore the intricate tapestry of the One Life, as we seek to find and follow our Awen. We embrace the living essence of the Divine, celebrating the sacredness in all creation as we connect to the Nwyfre flowing through all things.
In each episode, we traverse the mystical ways of Druidry, intertwining them with the inclusive and compassionate teachings of Christo-pagan Druidcraft. We explore with a deep respect for the earth, a commitment to spiritual growth, and a desire to foster unity and understanding across diverse spiritual practices.
Join us as we seek to illuminate the spiritual journey, offering insights and reflections that resonate with the soul's longing for connection and meaning. 'Creation's Paths' is a haven for those who yearn to deepen their spiritual understanding, embrace their true selves, and celebrate the love of the Divine that embraces all - irrespective of race, creed, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
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