Holy Mary, Mother of God, renew our spirit this year
It's a new year, and with that comes many resolutions to make ourselves better people. We start the year with hope that this year will be better than the last.
Some of us start this year with a sorrow that cannot be named. They have lost loved ones, their jobs, or maybe even themselves. This is a new year. This is a new day. This is the day when everything changes, not because we want it to, not because we've resolved, but because it has to.
Today is the solemnity of Mary, mother of God. On this day, we remember those blessed words of the Theotokos, "behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to your word (Luke 1:30)."
Our Blessed Mother submitted herself to the power of the Holy Spirit, so the Word of God would be made flesh. We as Christians are called to know the living God, and to give birth to him in the world. We are the body of Christ.
If Christ is not born in us and through us, then we are less than nothing. In our baptism, we died to our former selves, and put on Christ Jesus, our Lord. We must be able, like Paul, to say with confidence and sincerity, "it is not I who live, but Christ who lives in me (Galatians 2:20)."
That is the challenge to the church this year. We must exemplify Christ's compassion, mindfulness, patients, and faith. And today is a great day to remember.
Our Blessed Mother pondered everything in her Immaculate Heart. Search it out through the Scriptures, in every event of her life, the Blessed Mother pondered and meditated on everything. She is our example. She was the first Christian. She was present through everything.
Now, in heaven, most holy Queen of all hearts, we pray to you at the start of this new year. Let us remember your great commandment, to do what ever your Son tells us to do. Pray for us, holy Mother of God, that through us as through you, your Son may be born into the world.
Oh Divine Matrix, who did form God and man into a perfect, seamless whole, teach us to do the same. Join with us in all of our prayers, and open the treasure house of God's graces to aid us in this our most humble work. Amen.