Holy Mother Mary, teach me to love your Son as you did. #Prayer
Blessed Mother Mary, Ark of the Covenant, Queen of our hearts, teach me to more perfectly follow the path of Jesus Christ, listening always for the still small voice of the Holy Spirit.
Throughout your life, Holy Mother, you pondered all things in your Immaculate Heart. You were mindful through all the mysteries of your Son's Holy Life. You faithfully watched and learned all the things from Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Help me, most gracious mother, to see the work of Jesus and the Holy Spirit in my life.
Open my eyes, O Seat of Wisdom, to see Christ in every one that I meet. Help me to live a life where others will see Christ in me. Open my senses, O Mystical Rose, to know the promptings of the Holy Spirit, so I might walk in the way of God.
Pray with me always, Most Holy Mother, that I might daily grow in the unity of the Spirit, living in the Uncreated Light of Tabor, until the day when our Lord Jesus's prayer is answered, and we are all one with God. Amen.