Join us on Fridays on YouTube for a Spiritual Practice and Discussion
Every Friday at 6 pm Eastern we will meet for Prayer and discussion
I am very excited to announce that starting this Friday at 6 pm eastern, we will start holding a regular live stream for prayer and discussion of spiritual, mystical and magical topics from the perspective of Creation Spirituality and the various faith traditions of our guests.
We are calling this stream, A Spiritual Practice, because we will be offering prayer, meditation, and discussion about a practice that brings meaning and value to life. This stream will bring voices together to share their insights and experiences, but will also be incorporating questions and comments from the chat to make meaning together.
You may want to bring candles with you to the stream as we will be lighting them to welcome in the Sabbath and call the Shekhinah to make her presence real in our homes and the lives. We will also be invoking the Archangels to stand with us, sharing their vital and subtle energies with us to enchant our lives and bring us healing and rest.
While we will be using language from the Jewish, Christian, Celtic, and Creation Spirituality traditions, we welcome everyone to share from their own traditions since we are all drawing water from the same underground river of wisdom and grace through the well that is closest to our hearts.
If you haven’t already, you can subscribe to our YouTube channel here:
Our First Stream, This Friday
Our first topic is Decolonizing and Befriending Darkness in which we will discuss removing the context of evil from the ideas of Blackness and Darkness and returning to the idea of Darkness as Mystery and the great cloud of unknowing.Â
The unconscious and conscious racist overtones of equating darkness and blackness by extension with evil.
Darkness as Mystery
Darkness as the womb of the earth
Darkness as the Wise Mother or Black Madonna
Darkness as loss and grief
Darkness as friend
Future topics for the month are:
Re-enchanting the Winter Solstice (December 16th):
We will talk about the need to have a practical naïveté that allows us to embrace the legends and traditions of the season to bring joy, resilience, and strength to get through the dark times and find the light. We will highlight practices and traditions that give meaning to our lives and ways to inspire magic in our lives for the season.
Living Advent (December 23rd):
We will discuss Living God every day and bringing the Light and Love of God into the world through acts of compassion, justice, and hope.
I wrote an essay on this topic earlier if you missed it and want to know more about the topic:
Beginning the New Year with a Blessing (December 30th):
We will discuss how to set ourselves up for a good or better year by naming blessings we need or can bring into the lives of others rather than making resolutions that we know we will not keep. How does saying and seeking blessings become a way to bring hope and change the world through being a blessing in our own community. Blessings bring life, and life and inspires others to come to life and be blessings as well.
Everyone is Welcome
Should any of you want to join the discussion on camera, let me know. Also, if you have any suggestions for future topics, I would love to hear them. The purpose of these streams is to give us a place to make meaning together. This does not require a degree, accreditation, or ordination. We all have encounters with Spirit, wisdom, and insight, and sharing them in community helps everyone grow.
Also, if anyone wants to help us spread the word about these streams, that would be greatly appreciated.
I am so excited. This has been in the works for quite some time and it is ready to share with all of you. Hope to see you at the stream, but remember, they will be available on the channel to watch or rewatch at anytime.