Our Lady of Lourdes, awaken us through the Immaculate Conception.
Most Blessed Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, when you appeared to Bernadette Soubirous at Lourdes in France, you told her you were the Immaculate Conception. Holy Mary, Mother of God and the Faithful, take us into your hands and form us into your Beloved Son.
As the Immaculate Conception, you are the source of our rebirth into the family of God. Through our True Devotion to you, the Tree of Life is planted within our hearts. So often, we have watered its roots with our tears as the darkness strikes out at the most vulnerable in our world. We ask, O Mediatrix of all Graces, open the Treasure House of Heaven and rain down upon us the strength, faith, and courage to continue the work of Christ in this world.
Pray to your Son for us, that we will be healthy in mind, body, and spirit so we can stand against the forces of the enemy dividing the faithful through fear, hatred, and lies. Take us to the Fountain of the Waters of Life. Bring us to newness of life. Amen.