St Elizabeth Ann Seton (2008)
Blessed Mother Seton is very close to my heart. When I lived in Maryland, I would visit her Shrine at least once a week. I am also the custodian of a First Class Relic of this most holy saint. Reading her Journals and other writings touches me in a very special way.
As an adult convert to Catholicism, her insights are in some ways deeper than those who grew up within the religion. He compassion and tender heart is a model to us all, and her intercession and loving protection of those who have called upon her as our spiritual mother. She is the first native born American Saint, and her family was involve in the establishment of this republic.
Holy Mother Seton look over this land and pray to the Father for us that we will live God to the world and learn to be humble and meek. Pray for us that we might become the peacemakers that Christ has called up all to be. Amen.